How Long to Adjust to a New Mattress

Mattresses deteriorate with time and you need to replace your worn-out mattress with a new one. But it’ll take some time to adjust to a new mattress just like a new pair of shoes.

You might find it difficult to fall asleep quickly and easily on your new mattress for the first few nights or weeks. Generally, it takes about three to six weeks to get used to your brand-new bed or mattress.

In this article, we’ll discuss how long it takes to adjust to a new mattress. We’ll also discuss several tips that will help you accelerate the mattress break-in period.

What is the Mattress Break-in Period?

In simple words, the mattress break-in period is the time that your body takes to get used to a new mattress. A new mattress that you buy from a store will most probably be different from the old one you owned. It may be firmer or softer and your body will need some time to adjust to it.  

Benefits of a Well-Adjusted Mattress

Once you’ve successfully transitioned to your new mattress, you can reap numerous benefits which contribute significantly to your overall wellbeing.

  • A well-adjusted mattress supports proper spinal alignment, which can alleviate chronic back pain and prevent future orthopedic issues.
  • Additionally, it can improve sleep quality by minimizing tossing and turning, which often results from discomfort. Good quality sleep is known to enhance mood, increase productivity, and boost the immune system.
  • Moreover, a mattress that suits your individual needs can help mitigate issues such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome.
  • Finally, the comfort of a well-adjusted mattress can simply make your bedroom feel more inviting, making it easier for you to relax and wind down at the end of the day.

How Long to Adjust to a New Mattress

Generally, it takes about three to six weeks to adjust to a mattress, depending on its type. I

Adjustment Period By Mattress Type

Memory Foam Mattresses

Memory foam mattresses typically require a longer adjustment period, often around 60 days. They are designed to conform to the body, so they might initially feel different from traditional spring mattresses.

Innerspring Mattresses

The adjustment period for innerspring mattresses is usually shorter, about 30 days. These mattresses have springs that offer more bounce and are firmer, so they may feel more familiar to most people.

Latex Foam Mattresses

Latex foam mattresses can have an even shorter break-in period, ranging from 2 to 14 days. Latex foam is known for its resilience and comfort, adjusting to body shape quickly.

It’s important to note that there is very little scientific research on this topic and these durations are based on the real-time experiences of people. So, your personal break-in period can also vary depending on your body type and sleeping positions.

A National Library of Medicine study states that it takes more than five days to get used to a new sleeping surface. It means you’ll need to spend at least five nights adjusting to your mattress.

Can You Speed Up the Mattress Break-in Period?

Yes, it’s possible to accelerate the mattress break-in period. The easiest and most effective way to do that is to roll back and forth on your new mattress.

You can also crawl or walk around on it for a few minutes each day. It’ll loosen up the mattress materials and allow it to adjust to your body quickly.

You should also note that you should not sleep on a new mattress straight away, but let it fully expand for around 24 hours first.

Tips to Adjust to Your New Bed or Mattress

If you’ve bought a new mattress and find it difficult to adjust to it, consider using the following tips. They’ll help you get used to your new bed or mattress quickly.

Increase Your Room’s Heat

You can adjust your thermostat to increase your room’s temperature by one or two degrees about an hour before going to bed.

It’ll allow the mattress to loosen up its materials and soften its layers, making it easy for you to fall asleep. This tip is especially useful if you have bought a new memory foam mattress.

Let it Breath

Let the mattress breathe for at least a couple of hours after bringing it home. Take the plastic off your new mattress striaght away after getting it home and lay it out on the bed, the correct way up. Open your windows to increase ventilation as it’ll allow oxygen to penetrate the mattress materials. It’ll soften its foam and make it more flexible, allowing you to sleep comfortably and quickly.

Choose Your Bed Foundation Wisely

You want to make sure that you use proper support for your mattress. You’ll find it difficult to adjust to your mattress if you have a wrong-sized, sagging, or a broken bed frame or foundation.

Not only will it make you feel uncomfortable and cause back pains but it will also speed up the mattress wear and tear process. Make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and choose the right foundation.

Use a Mattress Topper

Using a mattress topper is a great idea when you don’t know how to make your mattress softer or firmer. It’ll change how your mattress feels by increasing its thickness.

The mattress toppers are available in a variety of different materials to meet your preferences and they’re also very affordable. A study shows that medium-firm toppers can relieve back pain and also improve your sleep quality.

Read also: Can you sleep on a mattress topper on the floor?

Use it Every Night

Once you have bought a new mattress, make sure that you sleep on it every night, especially during the trial period. Not only will it accelerate the adjustment process but it’ll also help you determine whether you have chosen the right product or not.

If you like to watch TV or read a book every day sitting on your couch, consider using your new mattress for that purpose.

Should You Return Your New Mattress?

If you can’t feel comfortable on your new mattress even after using all the tips listed above, you might have bought the wrong product. In such a case, you’ll need to return the mattress and buy a new one.

Thankfully, most mattress companies offer trial periods against their products. You can utilize this service to get your mattress returned or exchanged.

You can also use the following signs to determine whether you should return your new mattress or not.

Read also: How much does it cost to manufacture a mattress?

Signs That You Have a Softer Mattress Than You Need

You need a firmer mattress if you notice any of the following problems.

  • Whenever you sit or lie on your mattress, it feels that you’re sinking to the bottom
  • You find it difficult to get out of your mattress
  • You toss and turn constantly to find a comfortable sleeping position
  • When you wake up in the morning, you feel stiff
  • Your new mattress is giving you lower back pain
  • You see a dent on your new mattress right after getting out of it

Signs That You Have a Firmer Mattress Than You Need

If you’re experiencing any of the following signs, it means you have bought a firmer mattress than you need.

  • You find it relaxing whenever you sleep on a softer sleeping surfacer than your new mattress
  • Your new mattress can’t control your body, especially when you lie on it
  • When you wake up in the morning, you feel shoulder, neck, or upper back pain
  • You feel tingling or numbness in your feet, hands, and arms while sleeping
  • You wake up exhausted and tired every morning
  • You can also read our full guide on how to tell if your bed is too firm.


How Long Does It Take Your Body to Adjust to a New Mattress?

Generally, it takes about three to six weeks to adjust to a new mattress, depending on its type. The memory foam mattresses usually take the longest time to get used to. That’s because they contain more materials than other mattresses, which take more time to loosen up and soften.

Is It Normal for a New Mattress to Feel Uncomfortable?

Yes, it’s normal for a new mattress to cause some initial soreness and discomfort as your body gets used to it. However, your body should adjust to a new mattress within three to six weeks. If you still feel uncomfortable even after the break-in period, you have the wrong mattress that you need to return.

When Do You Need to Buy a New Mattress?

When your old mattress starts making you feel uncomfortable and your body doesn’t feel fully recovered in the morning, consider buying a new mattress. According to a study, your sleep quality will improve significantly if you replace your 9.5 years old (or more) mattress. Generally, you should replace your mattress within six to eight years.

Conclusion: How Long to Adjust to a New Mattress

If you find it difficult to sleep on your current mattress or it gives you back pains, you might need to replace it with a new one. However, adjusting to a new mattress can take some time, ranging from three to six weeks.

We hope this guide will help you understand how to accelerate the mattress break-in period and when to consider returning it.